All My Books

I love to write as much as I love teaching. It gives me the opportunity to reach children and adults, and to help the adults talk to their Littles about death and grief.


My books include children’s books about a variety of losses. More will be coming – there are so many kinds of loss the Littles face, and so many questions we need to answer for them. What happens when my pet is sick? What does dementia mean? What happens after someone dies? What do I have to wear this stupid itchy outfit for a funeral? What do dead people look like? How do I remember someone who died?


Adults have a workbook, and adolescents will soon! They are solution-focused, with an emphasis on working through what was left unfinished and reorganizing to include the person who died in the new life every griever faces after a significant loss.


All of them are available on Amazon. Simply click on the book cover for purchase options and more details. If these are books that you'd be interested in buying in bulk, please contact me directly via email. 

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